How to Make a Handy and Schiller Old Fashioned: A Classic Cocktail with a Twist

handy and schiller old fashioned

One of the most well-known and traditional mixed drinks worldwide is the old fashioned, which you may have heard of if you enjoy whiskey and cocktails. A slice of orange or a cherry is used as a garnish for the straightforward yet sophisticated old fashioned, which is made of whiskey, sugar, bitters, and ice. A variety of whiskeys, including rye, scotch, and bourbon, can be used to make the adaptable old fashioned, which can also be flavored with different fruits, syrups, or bitters.

The Handy and Schiller Old Fashioned is a fascinating twist on the classic old fashioned, named for two well-known New Orleans mixologists, Thomas Handy and John Schiller. A fiery and complex drink, the handy and schiller old fashioned is made with rye whiskey, absinthe, Peychaud’s bitters, sugar cube, and a twist of lemon for garnish. The sophisticated and easygoing old fashioned pays homage to New Orleans’s thriving cocktail scene, where the drink is said to have originated in the 1800s.

We’ll demonstrate how to create a handy and schiller old fashioned at home with basic supplies and equipment in this blog post. You’ll require:

A glass that rocks
A spoon for cocktails
A strainer for cocktails

Both a measuring cup and a jigger
A cube of sugar
A lemon
A rye whiskey bottle
Absinthe in a bottle
A Peychaud’s bitters bottle

Drink absinthe to rinse the glass.

Making a handy and schiller old-fashioned starts with rinsing the rocks glass in absinthe. A powerful, pungent liquor prepared from wormwood, anise, and other plants is called absinthe. Absinthe tastes like licorice and has a characteristic green hue. Due to its purportedly hallucinogenic properties, absinthe was formerly outlawed in many nations, but it is currently legal and freely accessible.

You must pour a small bit of absinthe into the glass, swirl it around, and then empty it out in order to rinse it with the liquor. This will leave a thin film of absinthe on the inside of the glass, giving the beverage a mellow flavor and scent. As an alternative, you can spray the absinthe into the glass using an atomizer or a spray bottle.

Mix the bitters and sugar cube together.

Next, muddle the sugar cube and bitters in the glass to create a handy and schiller old fashioned. Using a muddler—a wooden or metal utensil with a flat or rounded end—to crush or press ingredients is known as muddling. A more tasty and well-balanced drink is produced through mashing, which helps to release the oils and tastes of the ingredients.

You must put a sugar cube in the glass and a few dashes of Peychaud’s bitters to muddle the two ingredients. An aromatic bitter produced from gentian root, herbs, and spices is called Peychaud’s bitters. Peychaud’s bitters have a fiery, sweet flavor and a scarlet hue. A common component of many New Orleans cocktails like the Vieux Carré and the Sazerac is Peychaud’s bitters.

Press and twist the sugar cube gently with a muddler until it melts and combines with the bitters. You may also muddle the sugar cube and bitters using a fork or the back of a spoon.

Include the whiskey and ice.

Whiskey and ice are added to the glass in the third phase of making a handy and schiller old fashioned. Any cocktail must contain ice since it chills, dilutes, and blends the concoction. Any kind of ice will do; you can use pebbles, crushed ice, or cubes. However, since they melt more slowly and maintain the drink’s strength and coldness, we advise using large, clear ice cubes for optimal results.

Pour two ounces of rye whiskey over the ice in the glass. This completes the addition of ice and whiskey to the glass. A whiskey known as “rye whiskey” is produced with at least 51% rye, a grain that lends the whiskey its distinct dry, peppery flavor. A traditional option for an old fashioned is rye whiskey, which balances the harshness of the bitters and the sweetness of the sugar. You can use any brand of rye whiskey, however Sazerac, Rittenhouse, and Bulleit are some of the most well-known.

Mix and pour out

To prepare a handy and schiller old fashioned, filter and stir the beverage in the fourth stage. Using a cocktail spoon—a long, thin spoon with a twisted handle—to combine the ingredients of a drink is known as stirring. Stirring gives the beverage a smooth and uniform texture and flavor by chilling, diluting, and blending it. For cocktails like the old fashioned that only include spirits, stirring is preferable to shaking since shaking can bruise or aerate the spirits, changing their flavor and appearance.

In order to mix and filter the beverage, place a cocktail spoon inside the glass and stir slowly for 15 to 20 seconds, or until the beverage is well-chilled and diluted. To mix the beverage, you can either use a chopstick or a conventional spoon. Next, you’ll need to strain the drink into another rocks glass filled with new ice using a cocktail strainer, which is a metal utensil with a spring or wire rim. Straining aids in clearing the drink of any undesired ice chips or debris, resulting in a tidy and uncluttered appearance.

Add garnish and savor.

Garnish and savor the beverage to complete a handy and schiller old fashioned. The process of garnishing a cocktail is adding an edible or ornamental component, like a sugar rim, fruit, herb, or spice. In addition to adding flare and a personal touch, garnishing improves the drink’s look, flavor, and scent. Although garnishing is not required, it can significantly alter the drink’s overall experience.

Using a knife or peeler, thinly slice the lemon peel, about 2 inches long and 1/4 inch wide, to garnish the handy and schiller old fashioned. Next, you must twist the lemon peel over the beverage to extract some of the lemon oils onto its surface. This will give the beverage a zesty, invigorating flavor and scent. The next step is to rub the lemon peel around the glass’s rim to give the beverage more zest and acidity. As a last garnish, you must finally drop the lemon peel into the beverage, either in the middle or on the side.

Now you have created a simple yet elegant old fashioned, a traditional drink with a modern twist. This New Orleans-inspired beverage has complex, spicy tastes that are best enjoyed in moderation. Salutations!

In summary

We’ve demonstrated how to make a handy and schiller old fashioned, a traditional cocktail with a modern twist, in this blog post. A fiery and complex drink, the handy and schiller old fashioned is made with rye whiskey, absinthe, Peychaud’s bitters, sugar cube, and a twist of lemon for garnish. The sophisticated and easygoing old fashioned pays homage to New Orleans’s thriving cocktail scene, where the drink is said to have originated in the 1800s.

After reading this blog post, we hope you gained some new and helpful knowledge. Please feel free to post any queries, remarks, or suggestions in the space provided below. We would be delighted to speak with you and address any questions you might have. I appreciate you reading, and have fun mixing!


What distinguishes the standard old fashioned from the handy and schiller old fashioned?
The addition of absinthe and Peychaud’s bitters distinguishes the Handy and Schiller Old Fashioned from the Regular Old Fashioned. Peychaud’s bitters are a type of aromatic bitters that give a sweet and spicy flavor to the drink, while absinthe is a powerful and fragrant liquor that adds a subtle flavor and aroma. Compared to the standard old fashioned, these components give the handy and schiller old fashioned a distinct and unique character.

What other forms do the old-fashioned come in?
There are numerous other old-fashioned variants, each with a unique flavor and twist. Among the most well-liked ones are:

The Sazerac is a traditional New Orleans drink made of rye whiskey, absinthe, Peychaud’s bitters, sugar cube, and a twist of lemon for garnish. Similar to the handy and schiller old fashioned, the Sazerac is served without ice in a chilled glass that has been rinsed with absinthe.
A famous cocktail from New York, the Manhattan combines sweet vermouth, Angostura bitters, and rye whiskey. A cherry is added for garnish. A smoother and sweeter take on the classic old fashioned, the Manhattan boasts a


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